How to Declutter Your Mind: New Strategies for Mental Clarity

Mental clutter can be the result of many things, including stress, overthinking, and not enough sleep. Many people have some degree of mental clutter in their lives that impacts how they feel mentally and physically.
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This article will cover some of the most common ways to declutter your mind. It will provide tips for getting rid of negative thoughts, dealing with procrastination, and helping you find clarity on what’s really important to you. Read on to learn how to declutter your mind for increased mental clarity.
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Negative thoughts are often the result of mental clutter. It can be challenging to keep negative thoughts at bay, but it's important.
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Negative thoughts can make you feel anxious or uneasy, which impacts relationships and your ability to stay grounded in reality.
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It's not always easy to identify the source of the negativity—but by taking these steps, you might be able to clear up some mental space.
  • Start with a daily gratitude list
  • Allow yourself to have bad days 
  • Practice self-compassion 
  • Take time for self-care
  • Identify what triggers your negative thinking 
  • Get rid of clutter
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Negative thoughts can be difficult to shake and can really impact the way you feel. The good news is that you're not stuck with negativity.
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For example, try practicing self-compassion. It's a useful tool in reducing negative emotions and thoughts, like guilt or sadness. Find ways to show yourself kindness through little things, like taking a time out for yourself or planning ahead for your next day.
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Another approach is to take an inventory of the positives in your life every day, which will help you work on feeling grateful. You can also practice mindfulness by taking time each day to notice what you are experiencing without judgment.
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In our digital age, it's easy to put off tasks. It's even easier when you don't feel like you have the willpower to push through.
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The first step to overcoming procrastination is identifying why you're doing it. In most cases, people procrastinate because they fear the task or the potential result of completing it. The reason may be different for everyone, but identifying why you're afraid of a task could help put your mind at ease and allow you to complete it with less stress.
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Once you've identified your fears and anxieties, try implementing a strategy that will help conquer them. For example, if you're worried about how long something will take, break up the task into smaller chunks and set specific time allotments for each one. This will give you more control over how long it takes and will also provide motivation throughout the process. You'll know that every time that alarm goes off on your phone for 15 minutes of work, something has actually been accomplished!
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It can be difficult to focus on what's really important when your mind is cluttered. That’s why it's so important to declutter your mind.
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The first step to decluttering your mind is identifying what needs attention. For example, you might need to figure out how work is impacting your life, or if you're spending too much time on social media. Your next step would be finding a solution for the identified problem.
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If you've decided that overthinking has been affecting your mental clarity, perhaps it's time to make a list of all the things you need to do and prioritize them by level of importance. The more you take care of small tasks, the easier it will be for you to deal with big projects and clear your mind of clutter!
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It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of life. But you can't forget about your mental health, too! It's important to take time for yourself and do something that feels good. The more you take care of yourself, the better you'll feel mentally and physically.

Take some time out of your day to declutter your mind—you deserve it!
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